• Sustainable Design for Home + Baby

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Shop the Chesapeake Collection

Inspired by the outdoors, influenced by heritage

When we aren't in the studio, we're hitting the trails wherever we are or sitting as close to the water as possible. We believe water connects us to home, both here and afar.

Our founder Micah Morgan is a first-generation Guyanese-American. She credits her parents with instilling a love of design, color, and nature as the elements that together weave a welcoming home space.

Fish Beauty is located at the Micah Fine Art Studio, which sits on the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia. Many of our excursions happen along the Chesapeake Bay and her tributaries, but we're happy to take a walk anywhere our boots hit the ground. You can learn more about our excursions on our blog, Dappled Light.

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"Beautiful! Colors and weight are amazing. Perfect!"

Amy O., Owner at the Humboldt Bay Social Club

About Us:

Fish Beauty: Dream Machine, is an art and design brand inspired by the beauty of nature. Organic rhythms, lines, and forms both symmetrical and syncopated can be found in our wall art and textiles for home and baby.

We strive to engage in sustainable production and provide artists and artisans who help us realize our vision with a living wage.

The Dream Machine is located at the Micah Fine Art Studio in Hyattsville, MD.